Shopify 2.0 update offers major improvements to themes and features like checkout and inventory management, so you can optimize your operations and focus on what’s important – making money! Designers will be able to create completely custom themes for their clients. So, if you’re seeking a competitive advantage, check out Shopify 2.0. Read more to find out about the benefits it offers.

What is Shopify 2.0?

Shopify 2.0 is an upgrade to the existing Shopify platform that includes new features and improvements designed to make it easier for businesses to sell online. One of the changes is the addition of a new drag-and-drop page builder that makes creating beautiful, professional-looking web pages easier. 

Shopify’s upgrade to 2.0 is a huge deal for online stores. In previous versions of Shopify themes, there have been roadblocks that have prevented some designers from fully customizing their themes to meet the needs of their clients.  With Shopify 2.0, developers can create a single theme that will automatically adjust to look great on any device. 

This makes it much easier for theme developers to create beautiful and responsive themes for their customers. Overall, Shopify’s upgrade to 2.0 is a major step forward for the platform, and will benefit all Shopify store owners. 

Benefits of Shopify 2.0

If you’re debating about the upgrade, here are a few reasons why you should make the switch today.

  • Improved theme editor

One of the most beneficial updates is the new point-and-click theme editor, which allows users to navigate easily and make changes to their store’s design with just a few clicks. This makes it easy for anyone to customize their theme without writing code. The new editor also makes it simpler to preview changes before they go live, ensuring that your store always looks its best. 

  • Sections anywhere 

The upgrade introduced sections, essential blocks of content that can be added anywhere on a Shopify page. This gives merchants a lot more flexibility in where they can place content, and it also makes it easier to make changes to a page layout without editing the code directly.

A variety of sections can be added, including slideshows, carousels, maps, and video galleries. It will help in boosting sales and enhance customer experience. For merchants looking to upgrade their Shopify store, sections are one of the most appealing new features.

  • Upgrade to Shopify meta fields

Another benefit of upgrading to Shopify 2.0 is the improvement of meta fields. It enables you to create distinctive product specifications for each product. In addition, meta fields provide information about a shop’s products, customers, orders, and more. This extra data can power features such as customer reviews, targeted upsells, and order tracking. 

Meta fields are frequently used to display various pieces of content on a product page rather than creating a custom design. They can also be used to store data not supported by Shopify’s native fields.  

For example, a shop owner could use a meta field to store the product’s country of origin or a customer’s birthdate. By upgrading to Shopify 2.0, shop owners gain access to a powerful tool for storing and managing data. 

  • Better and faster product filtering

Product filtering is built into Shopify, so there is less loading time, improving the site performance and lowering bounce rates. This upgrade makes it easier for customers to find the products they’re looking for in your store, whether they’re looking for a specific item or trying to narrow down their options by price, color, or other parameters.

It also makes it easier for the store owner to manage inventory and keep track of product listing. Overall, Shopify 2.0’s improved product filtering is a win-win for store owners and customers.

  • Updated theme app extensions

Businesses using Shopify 2.0 can use the latest and greatest apps to help them run their businesses more efficiently. Apps may now be easily integrated into sections and placed by retailers anywhere. Changes can also be made to the app’s settings from the theme editor directly. 

Shopify 2.0 features two different ways for apps to improve your store experience: App Blocks and App Embed Blocks.

App Blocks allow for more seamless integration of apps into the Shopify 2.0 interface, making it convenient for customers to find and use the features they need. It is also easy to add the app’s view on the front end using app blocks.

App Embed Blocks provide a way for apps to directly impact the look and feel of your store, making it more customized and unique. Both of these features are available to all Shopify 2.0 users.

  • Enhanced site performance 

Since the coding standards have improved, Shopify developers can make themes and apps more efficient and load faster. For example, the Shopify 2.0 default theme, ‘Dawn’, loads 35% faster than previous versions, making it a smart choice for those looking to upgrade their store. 

Recently, a TAG customer launched a new Online Store 2.0 theme and witnessed a 47% improvement in their average page load time. A fast-loading store is necessary for a positive user experience and can help increase search engine rankings. The upgrade helps make your site run faster and smoother. 

  • Refreshed checkout experience

The new custom checkout flow is designed to be as streamlined and user-friendly as possible and includes features that can please customers. With the ability to plug in upsell apps and tailor the checkout process to your brand and customers’ purchase preferences, you can create a unique and seamless experience that will keep them coming back for more.

In addition, the upgrade also gives you access to new features such as abandoned cart recovery and gift card management, making it easier than ever to run your business. Customers are not required to be forwarded to a third-party checkout, resulting in a more simplified, consistent experience. The new checkout experience is a welcome upgrade that can increase traffic and boost sales.

  • New added multilingual capabilities 

The upgrade to Shopify 2.0 brings some new features and capabilities, including multilingual support. External integrations and headless setup are not needed for language, making it easier to start with Shopify 2.0.

Your store can target a wider audience, as customers can browse in their language. With Shopify 2.0, merchants can now offer their products and checkout experience in multiple languages. It makes it a more user-friendly and international-friendly eCommerce platform.       

You can also get access to new design elements, including a responsive grid system and retina-ready images. In addition, upgrading to Shopify 2.0 allows you to take advantage of the latest advances in web technology, such as HTML5 and CSS3. As a result, you can create a more modern and polished online store that is better equipped to meet your customers’ needs.

Does Shopify 2.0 cost more?  

If you’re considering upgrading to Shopify 2.0, you might wonder how much it will cost. It depends on whether you’re using a Shopify-approved theme and whether you need to upgrade your account to a higher plan. The great news is that Shopify offers a 14-day free trial, so you can try out the new features before deciding whether to upgrade your account. 

Shopify-approved themes are designed to work with Shopify 2.0, so if you’re using one of these themes, you can upgrade to Shopify 2.0 without incurring additional costs. However, if you’re using a non-Shopify-approved theme, you’ll need to upgrade your theme to take advantage of the new features in Shopify 2.0. Mostly, this will involve purchasing a new theme or hiring a developer to upgrade your existing theme. Overall, the new features and improvements offered in Shopify 2.0 are often well worth the investment.

Check if the theme is Shopify 2.0 theme

Steps to follow:

  1. Log in to your Shopify store admin.
  2. In Online Store > Themes > click Actions > Edit code.
  3. In Templates folder of your theme, find product.json file; it exists, which means your theme is a Shopify 2.0 OS theme.

Top themes

Shopify 2.0 upgrade themes provide the best Shopify themes for upgrades and new designs. The themes are feature-rich and SEO friendly. Some of the best themes are listed below.

  1. Wokiee: Over 50,000 active users, 16 layouts for shop and product pages, $69
  2. Kalles: 20+ versions of online store demos available, product media includes images, 3D models, and videos, $89
  3. Furnitto: Easily navigable mega menu, 55 collections catalog, $139
  4. Mobilia: Re-sizable landing page banners, multi-niche Shopify theme, $180
  5. Pacific: Minimal UI, free theme updates, $180
  6. Handy: Mobile-optimized design, multi-column menu, $180
  7. Material: Fully customizable, RTL-ready to add languages, $56
  8. Doni: Minimalist design, multiple layout styles for product catalogs, $49
  9. Kodo: Fast loading speed, 17 stunning home skins, $59
  10.  Ella: All-in-one Shopify theme, optimized for speed and navigation, $59

The free themes include dawn, minimal, refresh, craft, taste, and many more.

Your choice to upgrade

Although it is not necessary to upgrade to Shopify 2.0, several benefits come with the upgrade. It is recommended to check out every aspect of your website and then decide. It’s worth upgrading to a new OS 2.0 theme if you don’t like how your site appears, products are difficult to find, and if you’re using several apps (like a page builder) to personalize.

While the original Shopify themes were functional and fairly easy to use, they were also quite basic design. With Shopify 2.0, a whole new world of possibilities has opened up for designers. 

Shopify 2.0 is more responsive and can adapt to different screen sizes and devices. Additionally, upgrading to Shopify 2.0 gives you access to the latest features and design elements. While the upgrade process can be time-consuming, it is worth the improved functionality and flexibility that Shopify 2.0 offers.

Final thoughts

If you’re a business or merchant looking for more features, faster performance, and a better shopping experience for your customers, then it’s time to upgrade to Shopify 2.0. This new platform has many great features that will help improve your online store and drive sales. 

Not only are there many great paid themes available, but there are also some amazing free themes that can give your store a professional look and feel. So don’t wait any longer – upgrade today and see how Shopify 2.0 can help take your business to the next level!