develop app

In social networking, where apps are essential to reaching your audience, many businesses are looking into developing an app that can connect them to their audience demographic. However, not everyone has the skills and resources to develop a popular app. Therefore, it is vital to hire an experienced app developer so that you can see your vision come to life. Here are some reasons why hiring an app developer will benefit you:

  • According to recent statistics posted by Compuware, more than 85% of all mobile users prefer to use mobile apps over mobile websites; therefore, developing an app with the help of a skilled app developer would create more business awareness among your audience.
  • An app developer gives you the luxury of launching your app without dealing with the complex coding behind it.
  • You can also offer a unique user experience to your customers with the help of a skilled app developer.
  • An aptly designed app also goes leaps and bounds in maintaining your business reputation within your customer demographic.
  • A team of app developing experts can also help connect you and your business with a new audience through your app.

Things To Consider When Hiring A Developer For Your App:

develop app

Despite how beneficial hiring a skilled team of app developers is, you also need to have a clear vision of what you want your app to be and the goals you want to achieve. However, you might not know where to start if it is your first time hiring a startup. For this reason, we have provided six essential things you need to consider before hiring a startup to develop your app:

1. What is the purpose of your app, and how will it be used?

develop app

You need to have a clear idea of what you want your app to be, whether a social networking app or an e-commerce app; you need to have a clear-cut outline of what purpose you want it to fulfill. You also need to consider from a customer’s point of view. How will your customer be using your app? Will the team of app developers you have hired to develop your app be able to execute your vision while also serving the purpose you have outlined? You need to make sure that you have all these bases covered before hiring a startup.

2. Ask for references from other clients.

develop app

Keep note of the previous experience the startup you are considering hiring for your app has had with their clients. Make sure that the startup is experienced and can deliver what they have promised. Therefore, ask for references from previous clients, and don’t forget to follow up to check the validity of these references. These references will give you an insight into whether or not the startup is up to your expectations and requirements.

Check Out: How Having A Mobile App Can Boost Your eCommerce Business

3. Check on their reputation online and see what others have to say about them.

develop app

Aside from asking for references, another way to look into the startup background is by checking its online reputation. Whether or not they have given you references, you must go online and see what people have to say about their experiences with the startup in a professional setting. This will give you an insight into what to expect from them and whether or not they are up to par to develop your app.

4. Determine whether they are a good fit for your budget, timeline, and needs.

develop app

Communication is also key to a successful app launch. Communicate to the startup on all things essential that they need to be prepared for. This includes the budget, the developing timeline, which involves the time duration it would take to develop the app, test it, tweak the complications, and launch it. Convey your app developing needs, including the app style, user experience, background, homepage, aesthetic, color palette, fonts, etc. Everything needs to be out in the open so that the startup understands what you are looking to achieve through the app, and they can help make your vision successful.

5. What is their timeline for development, testing, and release?

develop app

A timeline is essential to the app development process. It needs to be strictly productive and not take ages to launch not to dampen the relevancy of your app. A typical timeline for a productive app development consists of four distinct phases:

  • Idea Formulation and Research

This is the shortest time of the four phases; in this phase, you and your startup sit together and bounce ideas off each other for your app. Your startup should also research the recent designs that are popular in the market. It can take up to 2 to 3 weeks.

  • Specifications and Design

The startup develops the specifications and designs for your app in this phase. You can run all these specifications and designs to make sure it is up to your standards. It takes up to 2 to 4 weeks.

  • App Architecture and Development

This is the most extended phase and consists of the time it takes to develop your app. It takes up to 3 to 6 months.

  • Testing and Finalizing

In this last phase, your app is tested and finalized, so it is ready to launch. It takes up to 3 to 6 weeks.

6. Will they take care of updates or maintenance in the future?

develop app

The last and most important thing you need to consider before hiring a startup is whether or not they will take care of future maintenance and updates for your app. Most startups have a specific package for this purpose. It is always beneficial to leave future maintenance and updates to the startup to ensure no complication occurs that can cause customer dissatisfaction.