In today’s marketing landscape, your website has become a more powerful tool than ever before. Your website is a 24/7 salesman, and as such, it has the potential to be your most powerful asset and the centrepiece of your marketing efforts.

However, rapidly changing digital trends can make your website feel old and outdated. While sometimes a redesign might be ideal, you may not have the time or money to invest in such a large project. To help you overcome this challenge, we’ve put together a list of 10 simple ways you can improve your website user experience for visitors.

Utilize your white space.

Ways To Improve Your Website User Experience | Utilize your white space. | Out Origin

When designing content for your website, having white space is crucial. White space makes the text more readable and enables users to focus better on components surrounding it. However, too much or not enough can negatively impact your design’s purpose. Therefore, finding that balance becomes necessary when considering how best to highlight specific images/text within a layout designed with white space in mind.

Consider page speed.

Ways To Improve Your Website User Experience | Consider page speed | Out Origin

When browsing online, a slow page load can be an interrupting experience that frustrates users. With more people accessing content on mobile devices and laptops everywhere, they expect fast results for the content they want. Slow website pages have become one of the most frustrating experiences for internet surfers worldwide. Subsequently, websites must be optimized to enhance user experience and increase conversions and sales. To improve your website’s loading speed, compress your images first before inserting them on your web page.

Learn more about how page speed can impact your website by reading this blog here: 

SERP’s And How Do They Work

Incorporate effective CTAs

Ways To Improve Your Website User Experience | Incorporate effective CTAs | Out Origin

When designing a CTA button, it is essential to consider the user’s emotions. Think about different colours and what they represent. For instance, blue conveys trustworthiness, red inspires energy & enthusiasm and yellow evokes happiness.

To make your buttons more effective, consider the words you use. Verbs and action words excite users to do something. The correct psychological trigger depends on how familiar or emotionally connected a user is with it. Make sure they are bold, time-sensitive and direct. If not, there will be no action taken by any of your users.

Highlight your hyperlinks

Ways To Improve Your Website User Experience | Highlight your hyperlinks | Out Origin

When you hyperlink something, make sure it’s obvious. You can highlight a link by underlining or colouring the text to attract attention. Make sure links are easy for users to spot when testing your design with blurred and transparent colours. Links should also be distinguished based on how they look—short ones might use one font colour instead of another (for example). This hyperlinking approach is also beneficial when it comes to Search Engine Optimization and any SEO Services you can find will tend to focus on having links within your website to give you that bit of a boost

Use bullet points to segment content.

Ways To Improve Your Website User Experience | Use bullet points to segment content | Out Origin

Bullet points are a great way to quickly show the benefits, features, and ways your product/service can solve their problem. You can make your website more attractive by using bullets representing what’s essential for the viewers. By going away from traditional circles, we force ourselves to get creative with our bullet-point presentation, which helps further convey our message because they see how much thought went into it.

Use realistic images.

Ways To Improve Your Website User Experience | Use realistic images | Out Origin

Do you want to increase your brand’s trust and uniqueness? Then ditch the generic stock images. People can easily pick out a stock photo they’ve already seen elsewhere. They might even think it looks like a non-personal style of photography, which could reduce their trust in your business. And don’t forget these associations carry over as well; only using actual photos will help establish that connection with potential customers while also speaking clearly about what makes your company unique or different from others on the web.

Include well-designed headings.

Ways To Improve Your Website User Experience | Include well-designed headings | Out Origin

Headings are essential for websites because they help guide users through the site. They also improve searchability and attract an audience that will be interested in your product or service.

Heading keywords should stand out on a website to draw attention and better target potential customers with similar interests. Furthermore, headings provide paths between content, making it easier to navigate sites while scanning them quickly and efficiently.

You can read more about How To Improve Your Website Content here

Keep consistency between web pages.

Ways To Improve Your Website User Experience | Keep consistency between web pages | Out Origin

To give your users a cohesive experience as they navigate your site, keep design consistent between pages. Drastic changes in the theme and style of one page to another can make them feel lost or confused about where they are on the website, leading to a loss of trust for you.

Get rid of 404 errors.

Ways To Improve Your Website User Experience | Get rid of 404 errors | Out Origin

If a user encounters a 404 error (page not found), they will surely get frustrated. This makes them consider if their time is wasted on your website (when they could go to another place instead). Next to poor page load times, this frustrating occurence completely disrupts  users’ journey throughout your site and may ultimately be the reason they click away.

Make your website mobile-friendly.

Ways To Improve Your Website User Experience | Make your website mobile-friendly | Out Origin

In today’s fast-paced world, people have come to expect convenience. Websites need to be mobile and intuitive for users to get what they’re looking for. Additionally, Google is now penalizing sites not optimized on a phone or tablet. Essentially, it can affect your page rankings when someone searches online using a device and navigates through the tags you’ve provided based upon that type of technology.

Are you interested in making your website more user-friendly? Follow these tips, and be sure to check out other blog posts for a more comprehensive overview.