What’s the first thing you do when you wake up? Check your email? If so, that makes sense because 58% of people check their emails first thing in the morning. What’s even more interesting is where do these emails come from? Comparing B2B and B2C data, email marketing comes down as the most effective marketing platform. Below, we’ll break down email marketing into its essentials.


What is Email Marketing?

email marketing

Email marketing may sound like what it is on the surface, but there is much more than just that. Successful email marketing is about building relationships with customers and readers.

We’ve all seen lousy email marketing examples; open your spam folder if you need reminding. Sadly, most of these spam emails are from businesses trying to form a good reputation.

In actuality, emails should be used by brands to promote their products. This calls for reaching out to targeted people using relevant content. Such emails should have content related to keeping people in the loop till the time of purchase. Email campaigns should be well sought. Marketers must keep up with what customers like by listening and responding accordingly.

Why are emails so useful?

Why are emails useful | Out Origin

To create loyalty, emails allow forming relationships with the audience. When done right, marketing campaigns are effective for both brands and potential buyers. They can build relationships at scale without being intrusive or pushy.

All marketing strategies ultimately focus on building relationships between companies and consumers. Email shines as one of the best ways today’s marketer connects with customer retention rates. It remains low-key, so not too much information overloads the inbox.

When someone opens your email, it’s because the user feels engaged with your content. This gains you a spot in their inbox. From there, that person will open other emails for communicating on a personal level. You can send them content, offers, and updates relevant to your motives. Moreover, you can address their concerns and tailor content in a communicational way.  This opens opportunities for marketing, relationship building, and generally expanding your customer base.

How do emails help businesses?

email marketing

By sending business-related emails, you can generate a lot of Return On Investment and retain customers. Due to these reasons, it has been a trending marketing channel.

Emails provide two-way communication to know your audience and grow your business. Email can be direct with customers in comparison to face-to-face conversations. It’s more resource-intensive, unpredictable, and rare. Emailed campaigns allow data gathering where the customer’s response could be informative. With modern tools, emails are analyzed on their open clicks and engagement across audience segments. From the obtained data, one can modify future email marketing campaigns accordingly. 

Tried and Tested Tactics for Email Marketing

email marketing

Below, we have jargoned the best email marketing tactics applicable to any business.

Address new subscribers through welcome emails.

A welcome email is a great way to set the tone for your relationship with new subscribers. It’s their first impression of you and can make or break them as potential customers. So they must receive something welcoming. The critical thing to a welcome email is showing valuable information without being pushy or annoying. If executed correctly, these emails could make someone buy into your product immediately.

Keep people in the loop with newsletters.

It’s always great for customers to hear from you, whether it’s weekly, monthly or bi-monthly updates. Newsletter emails also provide a perfect opportunity for highlighting customer reviews. These include the latest brand-related research and critical insights.

Incentivize sales through special offers.

There is nothing more exciting than getting a sales notification from your favorite store. With email marketing, you can reach out to customers by offering outstanding prices. Stores can connect with the customer as if they know exactly what that person wants or needs.

Send updates about your brand.

Is the brand changing in some way by introducing new features and/or discontinuing old ones? If so, let your loyal subscribers know right away through emails.

Give reminders to create action.

Abandoned cart email campaigns are a great example of how reminders work. When an online shopper adds an item but doesn’t check out, automated emails bring them back to complete the purchase. Product retargeting emails work similarly as well. Page visitors are sent targeted messages about the specific article. It’s easier for customers wanting information or help to make a buying decision.

Connect with subscribers on special occasions.

email marketing

Numerous brands send targeted emails to mark special occasions. This makes the customer feel loved when you tailor the content specifically to them.


Email Marketing | Out Origin

Getting started with email marketing can be intimidating. You have all this information at your fingertips. It’s easy to get lost in the weeds before even getting a campaign off the ground. Don’t let that stop you from starting. With our guide, start crafting your first campaigns. After all, one of the best ROI opportunities is just waiting for someone like you to take advantage. Leave Out Origin a message for custom-made email campaigns.