Graphic design competitions are a great way to get clients and build your portfolio. However, you need to know how to compete in them successfully! In this post, we will give you 6 tips that will help ensure your success. Follow these tips, and you’ll be on the path to getting more work through graphic design competitions.

Compete in graphic design competitions.

graphic design competitions

Know what type of design competitions you want to compete in and research which company is organizing it. This way, you know how their judging process works.

Make sure you have a portfolio link available on your website or linked from social media profiles if applicable. It becomes easy to submit work, plus people looking for designers can easily find your portfolio.

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Focus on one specific type of design that interests you instead of trying to do everything. Your work may not always appeal to a certain audience, and you may have to narrow it down to a particular niche that you’re passionate about. This way, when people are looking at your profile or browsing through the competition results pages, they will see something they might be interested in.

Sign up for social media communities and groups related to your industry or niche, such as Facebook or LinkedIn communities. This way, you can network with other professionals in the same field and expand your reach when designing work that suits their needs.

Don’t be a rule breaker.

graphic design competitions

Competition organizers may have a certain way of displaying the work and judging it. This is all spelled out in advance, so make sure you know their expectations before signing up. If, by chance, you come across a competition that looks interesting, make sure to pay attention to the brief provided firsthand. Take note of the customer’s industry, audience, and preference of style. It will be a plus point if you have already done your research, thus opening grounds for securing more work.

Besides, if you don’t understand any detail or specification from the contest, be sure to jump in and ask as many questions as you can. Seeing your eagerness and interest in design details, the client will surely remember your name.

Stand apart from your competitors.

graphic design competitions

By providing a stellar portfolio of your best work, let the customer know that you are more than capable of delivering what they need. Use this opportunity to showcase some creative design elements.

Undoubtedly, you are in a very competitive field, where it’s not uncommon to see the same design elements over and over again. Take, for instance, most designers using an emblem in their designs. In such a case, using wordmarks would let your client know that you’re here to stand apart from others and offer an entirely different perspective.

Be professional with your portfolio photo.

graphic design competitions

Besides your designs, it’s vital to update your data, especially your photographs. A client impressed by your work would most definitely open your portfolio to see how well you have structured your info. Stay true to the professional work aspirant look. Don’t put your casual selfies in your portfolio. It’s suggested to have yourself photographed with a white background. The color’s mildness gives a soothing feeling to the viewer’s eyes.

Explain yourself and your work.

graphic design competitions | Out Origin

A short introduction about yourself and your area of interest goes a long way in establishing the digital connection and rapport with your prospective clients. This is an opportunity to express who you are as a graphic designer, what type of work they can expect from you, and tell them why they should hire you for their design project.

Starting with a personal bio, tell what your design choices are and your mindset behind every specimen. Once you provide in wordings, it’s unlikely for any client not to understand those small nuances and subtleties in your work.

Don’t forget rapid prototyping.

graphic design competitions

Have you ever seen a low-quality design win over the best of its competitors? It’s like most clients don’t have much experience when it comes to good design. While your focus might be on subtle gradients and delicate linework, this client is looking for strong concepts instead.

That’s why speed may sometimes beat perfection. Rapid prototyping plays a big role here as you test out different ideas quickly before committing too heavily to one direction.


This blog is brought to you by Out Origin. We are a web solution agency focusing on delivering creative designs, whether they are logos, graphics, and animations. Get in touch with us for a free quote.