Shopify themes help create a professional and engaging online store. With a wide range of Shopify themes available, businesses can find a theme that perfectly suits their brand and style. Shopify themes are also responsive and adjust to fit any screen size. 

These themes are easy to customize, allowing businesses to create a unique and personal look for their store. If you’re running a shop on Shopify, it’s important to ensure that your theme is up-to-date and looks great. Read more to find out how to check Shopify themes and choose the right one for your store.

What is a Shopify Theme?

A Shopify theme determines the look and feel of a store and can be customized to suit the specific brand and style of the business. A wide range of  Shopify themes is available, from simple and clean designs to more complex and sophisticated styles. In addition, many Shopify themes provide an optimized user experience on mobile devices. Choosing the right Shopify theme is essential for creating a successful online store, so it’s important to take the time to find a theme that suits your specific needs.

Custom Shopify theme

A custom Shopify theme is a great way to get started with Shopify. There are many Shopify themes available online, but a custom Shopify theme will allow you to create a Shopify store that is uniquely yours. It will enable you to control the look and feel of your Shopify store and its functionality. You can add your logo, images, and text to your store, and choose from a variety of Shopify plugins to add to your store. Shopify also provides a comprehensive set of tools to help you manage your store. With a custom Shopify theme, you can create a Shopify store that is both unique and professional.

Where to find Shopify themes?

If you’re looking for a Shopify theme, there are a few places you can look. The Shopify theme store is a good place to start, as it offers various themes. You can also find Shopify themes on sites like Themeforest and TemplateMonster. These sites offer a wider selection of themes, including both paid and free options. Once you’ve found a few Shopify themes that you like, take some time to explore the choices and customize the theme to fit your needs. You can find the perfect Shopify theme for your store with a little effort.

What Shopify theme is that? 

Here are a few methods to identify what Shopify theme is being used for a website:

  • Check page source and ID

You can press Ctrl+u or go to the Shopify-powered store in the question to view the page source using Chrome. When the view source tab opens, you can find or press Ctrl+f and search shopify.theme to locate the code listing the theme’s name. You can also find the theme name in line no 50.  

In addition, you can find the Shopify theme by looking for its ID in the page source. If Shopify created the theme, there would be a number next to “theme_store_id” (for example, “theme_store_id: 775”). If it says “null”, it means the theme is not created by Shopify.

To identify themes in the page source for other browsers: 

-Firefox: Control + U
-Edge: Control + U
-Safari: Command + Option + U

  • Chrome extension: Install the Shopify Theme Detector app

This app will help identify what Shopify theme is being used. It will tell you the theme name and if it is custom-built. Click the Shopify Detector tool icon when you have found your preferred website, and you’ll receive an answer in seconds. If the theme is available in the Shopify theme store, a link will be provided to that theme so you can check it out on your own too. 

This app will be compatible with your device and easy to use. In addition, this extension displays the Shopify applications that a store uses, which can be useful in creating your own Shopify app stack.

Another Chrome extension to help find which theme a store is using:

-Shopify Inspector: This application has over 20,000 users and can display the theme’s name, apps, newest items, bestsellers, monthly traffic, and social media links of a store’s website.

  • Use Chrome’s Developer Tools

Use the Console: Select “Inspect” by right-clicking anywhere on the website. A sidebar window will appear on the browser window’s right side. To check if the theme name appears, click the “Console” tab. Sometimes, it does show the theme name in the console.

Search the Elements: Repeat the inspector tools process, and click on Elements. Use the CTRL + F option to open a search box and enter the words “Shopify.theme”. Find the words and check if it has the “name” behind them in curly brackets. This will be the name of the Shopify theme used by the store.

Find the best Shopify theme

There are many factors to consider when choosing a Shopify theme for your store. The first step is deciding what look you want for your shop. Answer these questions to help identify what types of themes will work best for your store:

-Do you want a clean and modern aesthetic or something more whimsical?

-What kind of customer experience do you want?

-Do you have a lot of products to sell, or will you have a small inventory?

-How do you want to display products to customers, and what does your ideal product page look like?

Do you want customers to filter by category or search for specific items?

-Who are the successful online retailers in your field, and can you adopt their strategies while maintaining your brand’s uniqueness?

-Do you have the money for the finest premium Shopify themes, or are you content with the top free Shopify themes?

You also need to focus on features that can help your store. These will guide you to the Shopify themes with the finest performance. These can include:

  • Product page functionality
  • Mobile responsiveness
  • Customization options
  • Scalability
  • Affordability
  • Product quick view
  • Multi-column drop-down menus
  • Page builder integration
  • Speed optimization
  • Look and feel 
  • SEO-friendliness
  • Positive reception 

You can now search for the best Shopify theme using Shopify’s theme store.  When evaluating themes, check out the demo site to get a feel for how the theme will work with your content.

Pay close attention to the theme developer’s reviews and reputation. By focusing on reputable developers’ themes, you can ensure that your theme performs as intended. In addition, you must ensure that the Shopify theme you select provides an optimum checkout experience, so be sure that the theme you choose supports this. 

Ensure that the theme is responsive so it looks good on all devices. This is necessary for providing a good user experience on mobile devices, which are now the most popular internet access method. With so many great Shopify themes available, there’s sure to be one that’s perfect for your store.

Final words

Whether you want to create a new online store or want to give your current one a facelift, be sure to take the time to check out Shopify themes. Using Shopify’s Theme Detector or another tool can help identify the theme used. Also, take advantage of the tips mentioned above while choosing a theme for your store.

If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact our team at Out Origin for a free website assessment. We can help you find the best Shopify theme for your business and ensure your website is running optimally so you can start seeing more sales!