There is a lot happening in the digital marketing world. The cost and difficulty of doing business have increased greatly, especially for independent brands who are struggling to stay competitive with larger corporations when it comes down to finding customers through targeted ads or other means like social media promotion campaigns.

This is due to one thing that continues to be an issue regardless of the size of your business: the recent trend in enforcing data privacy legislation on various platforms by big corporations like Apple in the recent iOS update.

So businesses have been forced to adapt. However, Shopify Experts believe Shopify might as well have alleviated the need for their efforts by launching Shopify Audiences!

What Are Shopify Audiences?

Shopify has introduced a new tool called Shopify Audiences that helps brands find potential customers by matching them up with products in the merchant’s catalog. The service is perfect for businesses looking to apply various Shopify Marketing Techniques for increasing sales and marketing themselves effectively without having to worry about violating data privacy regulations.

Shopify Audiences can help you find new customers by using digital marketing. This is difficult and expensive, with e-commerce customer acquisition costs increasing over 200% in just the last 18 months alone!

With Shopify’s platform, you will be able to create custom audiences that maximize reach for your campaign while providing insightful analyses of which campaigns were most effective based on channel/spending or sales post launch of your campaign. All this allows you to achieve your acquisition goals at a fraction of what it would have cost when trying out different approaches.

Recent Changes Made To Shopify Audiences In Updates:

In an increasingly competitive market, many businesses are struggling to stay afloat. One of the most difficult areas for them has been advertising costs which continue to rise! But now there’s some good news: Shopify just announced some new updates to the Shopify Audiences tool.

This makes advertising easier than ever before as Shopify eCommerce businesses can now spend more wisely with the aid of targeting options based on various demographic factors. Here are a few of these changes as follows:

  • Shopify Audiences Is Now Available With Google:

The integration between Shopify Audiences and Google allows you to target potential customers in your audience based on their browsing behavior. If they’re looking at an item online, but have never bought it before, then this new advertising platform feature could be targeting them specifically with ads that would encourage purchases of products or services related to their searches!

Integrating the capabilities offered by two popular platforms like these can really help maximize visibility across all channels while reaching those specific individuals who are most likely interested enough to take action now. Don’t be the one to miss out on this opportunity because your competition may already know about this.

  • ECommerce Businesses Can Now Enjoy The Benefits Of Storewide Shopify Audiences With Flexible Campaign Goals:

Shopify Audiences has taken the guesswork out of creating storewide audiences by automating this process. Now, you can get buyers for all your products with one campaign and audience!

Audiences are refreshed automatically so that they stay relevant to current market conditions, making it easier than ever before to find success in marketing on various platforms. By simplifying the process for generating an interested group with similar interests in mind, Shopify makes sure that every customer has access to not only a specific product but also your entire product catalog.

  • Social Media Integrations Are Also Available On Shopify Audiences:

The next generation of shopping campaigns just got a lot more promising. With Shopify Audiences now supporting advertisements delivered on  Facebook, Instagram, Google Display Network, YouTube, Gmail, and Google Search ads, it’s possible to reach new audiences while also engaging older ones.

  • Unlock Buyers At All Stages Of The Funnel:

With the enhanced Shopify Audiences, you can now capitalize on the holiday season with a well-targeted list of prospects since Shopify provides both Storewide audiences and newly automated processes that generate more engaging ads to reach your target customer at all stages in their buying journey!

Furthermore, this year’s availability of Google Ads means there won’t be any interruptions or confusing interfaces, making it easier for eCommerce business owners and marketers like yourself that are looking ahead on Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.

  • All Shopify Audiences Will Be Automatically Generated And Refreshed:

With Shopify Audiences, you can have a hand in generating multiple audiences to help your marketing campaigns. You’ll be able to maximize reach as well as drive conversions with just one log in!

With three Meta target groups and two Google advertisement audience lists generated automatically for each profile, there’s no need to spend time wondering what kind of audience you should be catering to since Shopify does all the work for you!

Not to mention that the Shopify Ads platform now has an auto-refresh function that will make sure your audiences are always up to date and aligned with the objectives of any campaign.

Shopify Audience App:

The Shopify Audiences app is a tool that allows you to create an audience of people who have similar interests and purchasing power as your target market. These custom-built audiences can then be deployed on different advertising platforms, such as in the case of Instagram or Facebook Marketing Ads for now but soon expand with TikTok, Snap, Pinterest, Microsoft Advertising, and Criteo integration in the future.

Shopify Plus users in the U.S. and Canada that use Shopify Payments can now take advantage of the Shopify audience advertising tools to reach their customers. Hence, if you want to take advantage of this tool, then it’s definitely worth it to upgrade to Shopify Plus for it.

Benefits Of Shopify Audiences:

Marketers can use Shopify Audience targeting methods to better understand the interests and needs of their customers. This will help them offer products that might be related, or it could simply provide an opportunity for cross-selling other items in cases where those are more appropriate. It is due to this that many businesses are even considering migrating to Shopify. Aside from this, there are also other benefits to using Shopify Audiences:

  • Market Analysis:

Market analysis that provides marketers with valuable insight into who’s visiting your website, so you get to know how best to cater to your customers, which means higher conversions overall. When you’re targeting a niche market with your marketing, it is important to be aware of what customers are interested in so that they may find related products. With this powerful tool at hand, you can see improved results than ever before!

Once you have run a market analysis on your customer demographic, you can partner with experienced Shopify Web Developers to aid you in designing the site of your dreams.

  • Increase Sales And Grow:

Imagine a tool that can help you grow your audience and boost sales. This is what Shopify Audience does!

The app has an algorithm that removes the guessing game of who might want to buy this product by researching their interests, demographics, and location before they ever visit any page on your website, reducing guesswork in marketing efforts while saving time spent trying out different strategies with limited results. It’s like having someone personally shop for every single item on your grocery list from home.

  • Select Your Audience:

By using Shopify Audience, you get the privilege of selecting your audience yourself. Interest-based targeting is often 10 times more cost-effective than location-based ones. This means that if you are trying to reach a certain demographic, then using an audience composed of customers who share the same interests will be cheaper and provide better results for your business!

This is extremely beneficial for businesses looking to build a Customizable Shopify Audience catered especially to the needs of their business irrespective of the platform. Right now, this is only limited to two major social media platforms. However, it has the potential to be explosively profitable in the future, particularly with all the data privacy regulations being enforced by all major corporations.

  • Top Of Funnel Marketing:

You get to control the top of the marketing funnel. Thus, you can control the entire funnel and reduce the number of dead leads. When you use Shopify Audience, your audience will grow and build its own list of people interested in the same products as yours.

In time, this list will reach its maximum limit before automatically expanding again to include new members or removing some inactive leads, all without drastically altering anything about your campaign, irrespective of whether you are advertising on Facebook or any other platform.

  • Data Accuracy:

With Shopify Audience data, you can be confident in the accuracy of your marketing campaigns. All information comes directly from Shopify themselves, so you are aware of the identity and localization of your audience demographic. This can make all your campaigns hyper-targeted and effective, whether they are targeted to Custom Facebook Audiences or Custom Shopify Audiences.

  • Recurring Customers Through Targeting And Retargeting:

Have you ever wondered which customers are most interested in your products? You can find out with Shopify Audience.

This new feature for Shopify Plus merchants lets them create audiences based on specific customer characteristics and use it to target ads or retargeting campaigns across the site. The machine learning algorithm will automatically make an advertisement tailored specifically towards the demographic of your product. You can even make your Shopify Email Newsletters hyper-targeted to the needs of your customers and get more effective results.

  • New Purchases:

It’s crucial to know who is visiting your site and if they’re potential customers. That way, you can tailor the content of each page for maximum conversion rates. Shopify Audience provides information about visitors that might not be visible through normal channels with data segments as well as targeting rules, making sure only relevant messages reach people’s screens without overwhelming them too much in case.


Shopify Audiences are one of the most powerful features of Shopify. With Shopify Audiences, you can target customers with laser precision and increase your sales as a result.

In this blog post, we’ve explored what audiences are, how the Shopify Audience App works, and some of the benefits of using it for your business. We’ve also looked at market analysis and how to use it to improve your targeting efforts. Finally, we have provided you with a few tips on using recurring customers through targeting and retargeting to increase new purchases.

If you are looking to learn more regarding how Shopify Audiences can help you grow your business or need assistance setting them up, contact us today. Our team of Shopify Experts is here to help!